Saturday, March 24, 2012

awwyeah, spare (grade 12)

One awesome thing about Grade 12 is our one awesome spare. Even though we can only get one spare, it's still something. Teachers call it "approved studies" so students can have a free block to study and do homework, but really, for most grade 12 students, "approved studies" are basically  a "sleep in/drive around/play cards/hang out with friends and go eat at McDonald's" block. Well not always, we do try to do homework and study for other classes because we're behind, but then our brains stop functioning in the first 15 minutes of our awesome spare and we turn to our friends and say " I give up, let's go get McDonald's". It happens EVERY spare (according to some experiences). Most of our awesome spare, we tend to go to a fast foods place, sit, eat, and play cards, everyday, but there's that odd time that we'd go get ice-cream and walk on Okanagan lake. At the end of the semester, when our final grades come out, we realize that our grades dropped and  maybe we should of actually studied and get some work done during those card playings and fast foods eating and that our awesome spare weren't so awesome anymore.