Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Street lights come on

On the edge of the light, three young men and a girl slouch[ed]

Beyond the light, everything is obscured by darkness

he has no destination

            [just following]   -->              following narrow lanes with yellow leaves

The smell of burning leaves      s         the memories of childhood car rides
                                             t    r
he does not  h u r r y

                                               losing and finding himself endlessly 

The fence         d    r      i          f      t        e      d                     like snow


                                        [But in time] he can return

School Disaster

Getting from class to class at Princess Margaret is a like jungle. The hallways are filled with wild animals trying to get their way through the halls to their different classes. Each hallway, they are always that one group of people that decide they want to block the hallway and chit-chat like those annoying birds that when you drive, they decide to run across the road. Or those "soul mates" that make out like they'd never seen lips before. Once you find your way out of the crazy hallway and you get to your locker, yes the lockers at Princess Margaret are a size of mouse trap. How are you supposed to fit all those gigantic textbooks into that tiny space? Like really? It's not just your textbooks, plus 2 or more locker-mates. As you get to the class you're suppose to be in, you become a zombie, you just sit there, wide-eyed, and pretend you're listening to the teacher, well except English class, of course. The bell rings again, it's lunch time, you don't even want to eat because week the lunches are the same. Potatoes, fries, potatoes, fries, pizza! Five minutes before the bell rings for after school, you're bouncing your legs; the zombies in you start to fade away. *Ring* let’s get the heck out of here!