Monday, April 2, 2012

Letter of Concern

Natcha Amornpiyakrit
#118-43 Fenish Avenue
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

March 09, 2012

Central High School
123 Main Street
Sportstown, British Columbia, Canada
V2A 1W3

Dear Mr.Kleats:

Hi Mr.Vancamp, I'm Mrs.Amornpiyakrit and I am the mother of Miles Amornpiyakrit and Larain Amornpiyakrit. My son, Miles, is part of the Senior boys soccer team at Central High School, as my daughter, Larain, is part of the Junior girls soccer team.The senior boys have so much potential and skills and the junior girls work so well together as a team.  I am aware that you are a very busy man being the coach of many atheletes team and all, but I've noticed a few problems with the practices that I would like to share with you.

When i arrive with my son or daughter to one of their practices, I notice that you are never there first, not just the practices, but for the games as well. I tend to see the whole team sitting around the bleachers and chit chatting away instead of practicing. I am aware that you have many other pritories to attend and it is hard to maintain everything at once, but you are the coach and as a coach, you should show more effort to your teams. They need you to guide them to the winning line, and that won't happen if you are always late.

Once you do arrive for the practices, I see that the practices are quite unorganized and that there's barely any drills for the teams to practice. As the other mothers and I see as we sit on the bleachers while the practices, that the teams tend to play around quite a lot and I feel like you base the practices on winning way too much. It is  good to make the teams feel the urge to win, but with winning, it is balanced with well organized practices and drills.

My son is very pleased with his playing time during the games and tournaments. On the other hand, my daughter comes home almost very practices and games, upset. She tells me that it freaks her out when you yell at the team for doing something incorrectly. I would like to ask you to lower your voice and instead of yelling at them, to speak to them calmly and explain what they're doing incorrectly, that way, they are not scared of you.

This letter is not for mocking you and  I am not trying to teach you, but I am trying to help and suggest a certain a few problems I've seen for the past couple months. As a mother, I do want the best for my kids and I hope you take my suggestion for consideration. I am excited to see the senior and junior teams kick butts during the Provincials!


Natcha Amornpiyakrit

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