I have 96 invisible tattoos on all over my body. Breaking nickels in half with my 2 fingers is my hobby. I have 4 wheels, on my car. Cops love me, they follow me everywhere. I get all A's on my report card, while partying all night every day.
I can paint the Mona Lisa with my eyes closed. I don’t want to meet Obama, Obama wants to meet me. Last summer, Obama bought my plane ticket to
I can eat McDonalds for breakfast, lunch, dinner and lose weight. My parents beg me to live with them.
I am the girl who won the Hunger Games. Sleeping with my eyes open is too easy, I challenge myself sleeping with eyes closed. I can walk and talk at the same time.
Monks worship me, they come to me. I mastered the violin, piano and the trumpet at the age of two and a half, but I am not graduated from University.
These abdominal exercise are often hailed as the very best abdominal workouts because it is claimed they target the abs, and that targeted workouts tend to produce the best spot-reduction results. But there lies the challenge. These are not the very best ways on the way to lose fat about lower stomach.